Ammon News - Zarqa Governorate will have the predominant share of the desalinated water to be carried through the National Water Carrier Project, which will provide about 300 million cubic meters of desalinated water annually, a Jordan Water Company (Miyahuna) official said on Monday.
In a press interview, Head of Miyahuna’s Zarqa Directorate, Youssef Al-Aitan, said that the Aqaba-Amman desalination and water transport project, expected to be ready by 2027, will provide safe and reliable fresh water supplies to Amman and other governorates along the route of the carrier line.
Speaking on the governorate's current water situation, Al-Aitan noted that pumping has now been completed from four public wells in Zarqa, with an estimated quantity of 600 cubic meters of water per hour, while more than 10 private wells have been purchased and operated to provide about 1200 cubic meters of water per hour, indicating that the focus was on using semi-independent water supply sources located in the Azraq water basin.
He pointed to the directorate’s efforts to cut water losses and the illegal uses of water through launching security campaigns, installing accurate smart water meters, as well as replacing the old water networks and pumps.