Ammon News - The Ministry of Environment along with the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) discussed in a meeting means of cooperation on conserving pollinators' project in the Kingdom, in the presence of Environment Minister Nabeel Masarweh.
The meeting touched on mechanisms in which farmers are going to increase their agricultural production and reduce their use of pesticides, to positively affect the agricultural sector through finding products that are safe and free of pesticides' residues, especially in open areas.
Jointly implemented by the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) and ICARDA, the venture aims at facilitating Jordan's agro products' entry to compete in the global markets, as 80 percent of agricultural crops depend on insect pollinators.
Joining the International Alliance for the Protection of Wild Pollinators was figured high during the meeting.
It's worth mentioning that NARC implements many research experiments that increase the agricultural production efficiency in terms of quantity and quality by insect pollinators.