Jordan welcomes Iraqi decision to exempt national products from imports licensing

13-07-2021 01:56 PM

Ammon News - President of the Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry, Fathi Jaghbir, on Tuesday welcomed an Iraqi government decision to exempt imports from the Kingdom from licensing and registration.

In a statement, Jaghbir described the decision as an economic mainstay for supporting national exports and raising Jordanian manufacturers' production capacity.

"The Iraqi market is a main destination for Jordanian exports," he added, stressing that removing any obstacles facing the Jordanian trade exchange with all the regional markets is an essential task for the Chamber of Industry to solve.

Jaghbir also called on the government to exert more efforts to support the flow of goods to the region's markets, in translation of the royal directives to increase the competitiveness of Jordanian products.

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