Jordan, Egypt-based investor union talk cooperation

11-07-2021 11:35 PM

Ammon News -

Jordan Sunday held talks with the Arab Women Investors Union (AWIU) in Cairo to explore investment opportunities and open channels of trade cooperation.

Jordan's Ambassador to Egypt Amjad Adaileh said the meeting that took place in the Jordanian embassy emphasised Jordan's "advantageous" investment environment and said the kingdom offers a highly-skilled workforce.

Jordan is also a signatory to many trade agreements, Adaileh said, highlighting its strategic location and potential to connect global markets.

He said the first online investment conference that will start Monday would give businessmen and investors the chance to witness firsthand the investment opportunities in Jordan.  The two-day conference will be organised by the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC).

In turn, Chairman of the AWIU Huda Yessi expressed keenness to bolster the Union's partnership with the Jordanian private sector and explore the investment opportunities in the country.

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