International oil derivatives prices slightly drop in 2nd week of May

17-05-2021 11:49 AM

Ammon News - Prices of oil derivatives in international markets slightly changed during the second week of May, according to data released on Monday by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

According to the data, the price of 90-octane gasoline declined by 1.5 percent, going from $638.3 to $628.6 per ton, while the price of 95-octane gasoline went down from $659.2 per ton in the first week to $645.8 in the second week, a decrease of 2 percent.

Diesel prices increased by 0.7 percent, going from $539.4 per ton to $543.3, while the prices of kerosene rose by 0.3 percent, from $566.1 to $567.9 per ton.

The prices of liquefied gas for May dropped by 10.7 per cent, going from $537.5 to $480 per ton.

Benchmark Brent crude prices dropped in the second week of the current month, from $69.4 to $69 per barrel.

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