Ammon News - Team Europe response to COVID-19 crisis in Jordan takes another step forward. Funded by the European Union in Jordan, 379 laptops are being handed this week to Jordanian and Syrian higher education students benefiting from EDU SYRIA scholarship programme to support them in their online learning efforts, euneighbours reported.
EDU-SYRIA is an educational and humanitarian project funded by the European Union through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and the Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), to provide higher education scholarships to Syrians affected by the conflict and underprivileged Jordanians and to help the host communities in Jordan. The project, managed by the German Jordanian University, has graduated more than 1000 students so far and has enrolled almost 1900 students in various academic programs. It started in 2015 and will continue until 2023.