"Aman" wins Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest

16-12-2020 11:59 AM

Ammon News - The "Aman" ("Safety") app, for tracking contacts of coronavirus (Covid-19) patients, won the "2020 Best Application in the Middle East and Africa" during the pandemic.

The award is part of the Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest, which aims to inspire global developers to leverage HMS open capabilities to create innovative apps, bringing smart life services to Huawei device users in 170+ countries and regions.

The contest was held in Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Latin America, and China, respectively.

The judges took into account various factors in selecting the smart applications that were nominated, the most important of which are the efficiency and effectiveness of the application, accessibility for different groups of society, in addition to benefiting the society and innovation.

Jordan was among the first ten countries that began developing smart applications to track contacts with people infected with Covid-19 with the aim of identifying them and limiting the spread of the virus among citizens.

Scientific studies and experiments have proven that the "Aman" app contributed to breaking the chain of infection and limiting the spread of infections in society, the Ministry of Health said in statement.

It noted that there are a number of infections that are discovered daily through the app, which contributes to limiting additional daily infections.

The ministry indicated that the app proves its effectiveness day by day in tracking contacts and detecting the source of infections, pointing out that the number of app users has reached 2.5 million subscribers.

The application was developed for Jordan's Ministry of Health by the COVID-19 JOTECH Community, a group of tech-savvy volunteers which was formed at the outbreak of the pandemic.

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