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Do volunteers of Coronavirus vaccine get paid?

01-12-2020 12:07 PM

Ammonnews Jordan

Ammon News -

The ministry of Health pays to every volunteer involved in the experimental Coronavirus vaccine, sources in the ministry of health said to Ammonnews.

The source said to Ammonnews that the payment is regarded as transportation allowance and a compensation of the period of the experimental vaccine which is 14 days. This is an applicable procedure all over the world when conducting a scientific experiment, the source added.

The ministry of health informs the volunteer about the details of the vaccine in addition to the possible side effects during the experiment, the source also added.

Director of Prince Hamzah hospital, who is responsible for the Coronavirus vaccine experiment, said that each volunteer has got paid an amount of 250 Jordan Dinar, indicating that the results of the Chinese Emirati and Jordanian study may appear soon.

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