16 flights will operate over 3 days to bring home expats, starting next Tuesday

30-04-2020 10:47 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The Head of COVID-19 Crisis Management Group Operations, Brigadier Mazen Farayah, has announced today that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates forwarded the data of Jordanians who applied to return to Jordan to the crisis cell, confirming that 16 flights will operate over a period of three days starting from Tuesday, May 5.

During a press briefing at the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, Farayah pointed out that the number of applicants reached 24,779 people from 136 countries, where 1,000 requests have been canceled for not meeting the required conditions.

He said that the necessary arrangements will be finalized to receive the arrivals to the Kingdom, as the necessary security, medical and hotel services will be provided to the returnees for a period of 17 days, and then they will be transported to their homes for 14 days of quarantine.

"Over 6,000 people who will arrive in the Kingdom before mid-may, while the first phase will include about 3,000 people," Farayah stated.

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