Plan to return Jordanian students abroad scheduled 5th of next May

29-04-2020 11:13 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Minister of State for Media Affairs Amjad Adaileh said Wednesday that executing the plan for the return of students from abroad will start on May 5, in implementation of royal directives.

In a daily briefing on COVID-19's developments at the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM), Adaileh said the first group of 3049 students will be transferred over a period of three days, and the first flights will start from Egypt and Turkey.

He noted that concerned teams are preparing for the return of another stranded group and students, after a week from the aforementioned date, and the crisis cell will announce the full details of the plan on Thursday.

Adaileh pointed out that His Majesty King Abdullah II, as he chaired a National Policies Council (NPC) meeting, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, checked on the plan for the return of the students and stranded Jordanian and citizens abroad.

According to Adaileh, His Majesty affirmed the importance of transferring of students and citizens to the Kingdom in all transparency, justice and regularity, taking into account the required health protection measures.

During the meeting, the Crown Prince also stressed the need to follow preventive and precautionary measures, and the commitment of those coming from abroad with sufficient periods of time, to ensure that they are not infected with the Coronavirus, according to Adaileh.

Adaileh announced the end of the isolation of an area within Al-Nasr camp, and a building in the Al-Hashemi area in Amman, on Wednesday, indicating that the two areas previously recorded cases of infections, which required taking precautionary isolation measures, pointing out that the isolation procedures were carried out smoothly and effectively thanks to the awareness and cooperation of citizens.

Regarding the decision to allow citizens to use their private vehicles, Adaileh indicated that numerous violations of the instructions issued by the Public Security Directorate (PSD) were monitored, and (236) vehicles that violated the odd-even scheme were seized until 3pm, and their owners were dealt with in accordance with the law.

Adaileh called on citizens to strictly adhere to the stated instructions, and not to violate them, whether by violating the odd-even scheme, or to leave after the permitted times, or any other violations that impede the movement of citizens and vehicles, or violate safety and prevention measures.

He added: "We closely follow the extent of adherence to and compliance with the instructions in all governorates of the Kingdom, and we monitor the commitment of citizens, establishments and commercial stores to the instructions for distancing, sterilization, and health protection methods."

He stressed that continuing to ease the curfew measures, including the odd-even scheme, depends on the extent to which citizens adhere to these instructions, explaining that "in case of non-compliance, we will have to return to closures and strict procedures."

Adaileh also called on owners of establishments authorized to work, to adhere to the utmost care and caution, and to use means of prevention and precaution, by wearing masks, medical gloves, maintaining physical distancing, safe spaces, and avoiding direct contact as possible.

The minister revealed that the government is currently considering issuing a new defense order that includes sanctions against all those who do not adhere to the preventive and precautionary measures to prevent the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and limit its spread among citizens.

With regard to inquiries the government has received about age groups, including the elderly and children who are not allowed to leave homes, Adaileh said: "Honesty, logically and practically, it is difficult to determine a specific age group to be prevented from leaving; the circumstances differ from case to another."

He called on limiting the movement of the elderly and children, as much as possible, and upon urgency only, because these two categories are the most vulnerable and transmissible to infection.

With regard to the private educational institutions access to financial facilities offered by the Central Bank, Adaileh indicated that their necessary conditions and requirements have been approved and announced.

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