Zero Covid-19 cases recorded inside Jordan on Wednesday, two infections for drivers at the border

29-04-2020 10:34 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Minister of Health, Dr. Saad Jaber, announced that no Covid-19 cases were recorded in the Kingdom on Wednesday, while two cases of Arab drivers were registered at the border.

The minister confirmed that 8 new cases have recovered, bringing the number of cases that are still receiving treatment to 77, and the caseload to 451, including today's two infections at the border.

During a press briefing at the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, he said more than 3,500 Covid-19 tests were carried out in all regions of the Kingdom today and their results were all negative.

Some feel that the pandemic is over, he said, adding what the World Health Organization (WHO ) and many other countries across the world are saying that accelerating lifting curfew measures and opening up operations will lead to a second wave of the virus, usually worse.

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