King, in phone call with US president, reaffirms importance of solidarity to counter COVID-19, notes US’ central role

29-04-2020 10:32 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - His Majesty King Abdullah, in a phone call on Wednesday with US President Donald Trump, discussed the latest regional and international developments, including coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

King Abdullah stressed the importance of solidarity and stepping up cooperation and coordination among all countries to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and safeguard peoples’ health and wellbeing, while also mitigating the economic impact of measures taken to counter the virus.

His Majesty expressed appreciation for the United States’ ongoing support for Jordan across a number of sectors, especially amidst the current global conditions caused by COVID-19 and the economic challenges facing the Kingdom.

The King underscored the central role of the United States in developing a collective international effort to counter the pandemic and address its economic, social, and health-related ramifications.

Discussions during the phone call also covered the strategic partnership between Jordan and the United States in a number of fields.
His Majesty expressed condolences over the victims of COVID-19 in the United States, wishing those infected a speedy recovery.

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