Using cars to be allowed starting Wednesday

27-04-2020 10:25 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The government is allowing people to use their cars from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm as of Wednesday, as movement will be restricted to within the confines of governorates, following more than a month-long nationwide ban on the use of vehicles, the government spokesperson said.

Minister of State for Media Affairs Amjad Adaileh, Monday, said using vehicles will be subject to strict regulations and safety procedures that would most importantly prevent traffic, noting that the decision will be under constant review and assessment.

In a briefing at the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM), Adaileh said in order to reduce traffic, the mechanism for allowing cars to run will be based on the odd-even scheme, a system which allows cars to run based on the last number on their plates.

Cars whose plate number ends with an odd digit will be allowed to run Wednesday, he said, highlighting that only two people will be allowed in a vehicle at the same time.

The Minister said holders of movement permits will be allowed to use their cars, as usual, irrespective of the numbers on their cars' plates, pointing out that intra-governorate movement will only be allowed for permit holders.

On support for daily-wage workers who have been among the worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic's economic fallout, he said that the National Aid Fund (NAF) has provided cash assistance to more than 64,400 families, amounting to some JOD 8.7 million.

He said that cash assistance has been distributed through e-wallets, adding that distribution will continue until reaching the 200,000 families threshold.

He pointed out that more than 9,500 companies have recently registered with the Social Security Corporation, following the introduction of an online service for registration.

Curfew in Jordan and stay-at-home orders have entered their second month as authorities are trying to curb the spread of COVID-19, a lung disease caused by the highly contagious coronavirus.

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