Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - A new report on EU-Jordan co-operation has detailed continued ‘strong and diverse’ progress in the 40th year of the partnership.
The report, which focuses on the progress of EU-Jordan co-operation between June 2018 and April 2019, highlights legislative improvements in the key areas outlined in the 2016 EU-Jordan Partnership Priorities; including:
Shoring up the independence of Jordan’s judicial system;
Protecting the rights of women;
Taking measures to improve the provision of education and healthcare;
Promoting investment and trade; and
Developing active citizenship.
European Commission High Representative and Vice President Federica Mogherini said: “The European Union is the main and the most reliable partner and supporter for Jordan and Jordanians. Now, as we have been in the past, and as we will be in the future. Over the last year, we have stood by Jordan in addressing the country’s economic and social situation and in facing the repercussions of the neighbouring conflicts in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East. Despite those challenges, Jordan managed to maintain internal stability and continued to play a wise, stabilising and moderating role in the region.”
The report notes that the Jordanian economy has been under particular pressure as a result of the influx into the country of refugees fleeing conflict in Syria. The EU has mobilised nearly €1.3bn to support Jordan in dealing with the consequences of the Syrian crisis since 2011.
Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said: “The EU is convinced that the five-year reform matrix and the Renaissance/Nahda Plan for the years 2019-2020 will more jobs and will develop an attractive environment for socio-economic actors, especially by investing in future generations. During each of my visits to Jordan, I have been struck by the creativity and energy of Jordanian people, women and men, who can definitely count on the true and diverse partnership with the EU.”
*Government Europa