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Prime Ministry publishes recommendations of Dead Sea disaster panels

11-12-2018 02:28 PM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The Prime Minister's office announced on Tuesday the recommendations of the joint neutral and ministerial committees which were set up to look into the causes of deadly flash floods at the Dead Sea.

It said that the results and recommendations of both panels have been presented in the form of a matrix, which includes a series of measures and steps that will be taken to address the imbalances and mistakes, and avoid their recurrence in such circumstances.

The proposals were formulated after examining various aspects of the incident and the sub-reports of specialized field technical committees and hearing the opinions of experts and specialists.

The Prime Ministry also published the details of the independent committee's report to examine the reality of the situation surrounding the Dead Sea incident in which 21 people were killed, most of them schoolchildren who were on a picnic.

The recommendations included, among others, legislation regulating school picnics in cooperation with the interior and tourism ministries and security bodies, the safety of roads and bridges as well as devising a new mechanism for the announcement of weather bulletins.

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