Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Egyptian lawyer Nabih al-Wahsh sparked outrage in Egypt after he said that women who wear ripped jeans deserve to be sexually harassed and raped.
Wahsh made the remarks on Infrad Show which is hosted by Saeed Hassaseen and aired by the satellite channel Al-Assema. The program’s topic was the controversy surrounding the draft law on fighting prostitution and inciting debauchery.
During the heated debate, Wahsh said raping women who wear ripped jeans is “a national duty,” adding that girls who parts of their body by wearing such clothes are inviting men to harass them.
His statements sparked outrage across the country as activists have stepped up to condemn him while others prepared to file a complaint against him.
Head of the National Council for Women Doctor Maya Mursi condemned Wahsh’s shameful remarks which are viewed as a “flagrant call” for rape and said they violate the Egyptian constitution which protects women from all forms of violence.
Mursi also voiced surprise that these statements were made by a lawyer who is tasked with defending rights and freedoms.
She added that the council will file a complaint to the attorney general against Wahsh and Al-Assema, adding that the council had also filed a complaint to the Supreme Council for Media Regulation.
The council also urged media outlets not to host such controversial figures who make remarks that incite violence against women.
Meanwhile, Wahsh said that he faced criticism on social media as a result of the interview, adding that he actually demanded stricter punishment for sexual harassment.
“Girls must respect themselves so others respect them. Protecting morals is more important than protecting borders,” Wahsh added.
*Al Arabiya