Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum tweeted, on Friday, that the key to the success of the UAE is that, “we have reduced talking and increased work, transformed knowledge into actions and science into deeds.”
“Many ask me about the secret of the success of Dubai and the UAE, I tell them there are no secrets, and we have no extra knowledge or a scientific conclusion no one has acquired before,” he said.
Sheikh Mohammed added, “all we have done is that we have transformed our knowledge into actions, until success became our culture. “
According to his tweets, true success lies in planting the seeds of the culture of success everywhere starting with “the worker at the airport to the offices of its managers, from the seats of the country’s students to the councils of its ministers.”
Sheikh Mohammed tweeted on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day saying that “Today the world and the UAE celebrate World Humanitarian Day; humanitarianism a deeply routed part of our Emirati identity and values.”
“Sheikh Zayed led the UAE with benevolence - we will continue to be a country that supports and leads international humanitarian efforts,” he said.