Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - A joint Jordanian-Kenyan ministerial committee held a preparatory meeting Tuesday to explore ways to cement trade ties between the two countries.
The three-day meeting will try to come up with means to boost trade exchange between Jordan and the East African nation and discuss challenges hindering trade progress.
Officials will also look into investment opportunities and the potentials available in the two countries to launch business.
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply Secretary General, Yousef Shamali, told the meeting that His Majesty King Abdullah's visit to Kenya in September had galvanised the two sides for joint work in order to build economic relations.
He also stressed that both countries are enthusiastic about developing trade and expanding economic relations and take cooperation to higher levels.
Chris Kiptoo, Principal Secretary for the State Department of Trade of Kenya, highlighted the importance of starting economic partnerships between the two countries, encouraging the private sector and facilitating commercial activities.
The panel also discussed cooperation in information technology and communication among other sectors.