Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Prime Minister Hani Mulki received at the Prime Ministry on Wednesday, Austrian Justice Minister Wolfgang Brandstetter in the presence of Justice Minister Awad Abu Jarad and the Austrian ambassador to Jordan.
The prime minister highlighted the strong ties between Jordan and Austria in various fields, as well as keenness to further boost cooperation in the judicial field, and benefit from the experience of the two countries in this domain.
Mulki said that government has adopted recently a report by the Royal Committee for Developing the Judiciary and Enhancing the Rule of Law, and was committed to implementing its recommendations that included policies, strategic goals, executive programs as well as proposed legislation to develop the judiciary and enhance its role.
The government he added, is keen to accomplish these legislation soon and present them to the Lower House of Parliament for approval.
The prime minister also reviewed Jordan's reform process as well as the important role played by the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission (JIACC) to fight corruption.
He also spoke about the repercussions of the Syrian crisis on Jordan, which is hosting a round 1.3 million Syrian refugees, in addition to the closure of northern and eastern borders of the Kingdom that reflected negatively on the Kingdom's exports to a number of markets.
The Austrian minister voiced his country's willingness to strengthen cooperation with Jordan in the judicial field and exchange expertise in this domain.
He also praised Jordan's efforts to fight corruption, adding that the Kingdom ranked 57th out of 176 countries included in the in Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index.