King visits Civil Defence Department

20-02-2017 01:32 PM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, on Monday visited the Civil Defence Department (CDD) and met with its Director General, Lt. Gen. Talal Kofahi.

The King checked on services the CDD provides to ensure the safety of citizens and their property and protect national achievements.

King Abdullah stressed the importance of sustaining development process of the CDD to ensure better services to the citizens and visitors to the Kingdom.

Kofahi briefed the King on the department's approach to implement development plans aimed at boosting potential and capabilities in terms of manpower and providing modern equipment to the CDD.

During his visit, the Supreme Commander looked at a command and control vehicle which was designed by CDD experts and produced by a national corporation.

The vehicle is equipped with a number of modern control systems such as visual communication system, early alarm system, hazardous materials information system and geographical information system.

It is directly supplied with information and imagery from a drone to make the process of taking decisions easier.

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