Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The Council of Ministers Sunday stressed firmness in enforcing legal and administrative regulations to fight corruption in all its forms and at all levels, and safeguard the national integrity system.
In a session, chaired by Prime Minister Hani Mulqi, the council directed all ministries and relevant entities to propose measures or amendments to laws and regulations that "would contribute to boosting the national integrity and anti-corruption system in a manner to preserve public money and protect and promote investment and citizens' rights".
"An assault on public money is a theft from every Jordanian's pocket", it said, emphasising the necessity to take deterrent measures, within the provisions of the law, against violators or those who abuse office.
It backed the Royal Committee for Enhancing National Integrity and the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission, asking the Minister of State for Legal Affairs and justice ministry to revisit legal texts to punish those involved in corruption cases or abuse of public money.
Also during the session, the ministers discussed among other issues a proposed draft law on the fees of labour permits to regulate the labour market and address the "many problems facing the sector in a manner to achieve the national interest".