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British ambassador to Jordan visits Irbid

28-05-2013 08:54 PM

Ammon News - IRBID (Petra)-British ambassador in Amman Peter Millet on Tuesday met with political and economic personalities at the Irbid Chamber of Commerce and listened to their points of view on the fallout of the Syrian crisis on the Irbid governorate, noting that the Al Zaatari camp has preoccupied international attention regarding refugees, but neglected the negative impact of the refugee crisis on the local community.

Millet said the aim of his country is to support and protect civilians in all parts of Syria, pointing out that London has provided Jordan with $40 million in financial assistance through the UN.

During his visit, the ambassador was briefed on the impact of the increasing numbers of Syrian refugees on most of the sectors and resources in the governorate.

Governor of Irbid Khalid Abu Zeid, who met Millet at the beginning of his visit, noted that the official number of Syrian refugees in the governorate is over 100,000, while the real number exceeds that on the ground, pointing to the impact of this large number on energy, water, health, education, labor, roads and the environment, in addition to the social consequences.

Mayor of Irbid Ghazi Al Kofahi, who also met the British ambassador, briefed Millet on the challenges facing the city, especially in the field of environmental protection, cleaning and traffic, which triggers a real threat to the infrastructure of the city.

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