Syrian actor Ayman Zidan is threatened with death by hanging

01-01-2013 12:00 AM

Ammon News - Many say acting is a cushy job. Ayman Zidan would beg to differ after recent death threats made against him. One of the Syrian opposition internet page's has a picture of Syrian actor Ayman Zidan, along with a public threat, "The thing is out of the hands of the FSA. It is with the Al-Nusra front now. By God's name, we will hang you in Kafirsosa Square!"

In return, Zidan revealed the other threat messages that he has received on his mobile and wrote, "To all the Syrians, I put in your hands examples of messages that I have received. It makes me sad that we have gotten to this point and I cannot begin to describe my sadness about these new extremist mentalities"

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