FM meets Palestinian president

25-12-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday evening received Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and discussed regional developments, especially peace efforts.

The minister conveyed regards of His Majesty King Abdullah II to president Abbas and the Palestinian people on New Year and Christmas occasions.

Judeh reaffirmed Jordan's support of the Palestinians to restore their legitimate rights and establish their independent, sovereign and contiguous state with East Jerusalem as its capital on 1967 borders, on the basis of the international terms of reference and the Arab peace initiative.

He also outlined efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah to support peace efforts. Judeh said that ''the king always stresses that regional developments should not shift focus away from the key issue, which is the Palestinian cause, and that solving the Palestinian issue is key to regional security and stability''.

He also stressed Jordan's refusal of all Israeli unilateral actions, including settlement activities, which undermine the chances of achieving peace.

The Palestinian president valued the King's support of the Palestinians to establish their independent state, noting the importance of His Majesty's recent visit to Ramallah.


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