King, Iraqi PM discuss ties, regional issues

26-12-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMONNEWS - His Majesty King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki held talks on Monday on ways of cementing Jordanian-Iraqi ties and agreed to take "practical and effective" measures to develop cooperation in various fields.

Maliki, who paid a several-hour visit to the Kingdom, and Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour briefed the King on the outcome of the seventh session of the joint Jordanian-Iraqi Higher Committee which they chaired earlier in the day.

The King and Maliki also discussed closer coordination between the two countries on regional issues as well as scopes for enhancing pan-Arab cooperation "to counter current challenges and forge common positions toward them in the service of Arab issues and joint interests of Arab nations." His Majesty stressed Jordan's full support of Iraq in its efforts to bring security and stability to the country "whose security and stability is a key pillar of regional stability", reiterating backing of any effort to promote national reconciliation and the unity of the ranks of Iraqi people and to bring all Iraqis into the country's political process to fulfill their aspirations for a better future.

The meeting also tackled the situation in the region, namely efforts to bring about a just and comprehensive peace that meets the Palestinian people's right to freedom and independence and restores all Arab rights.

Syria and other regional issues also figured high on the talks, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein Ibn Abdullah and Ensour and followed by an expanded meeting in which senior officials on both sides took part.

Maliki commended the King's support of Iraq's stability stressing his keenness on forging closer ties with Jordan in economic, trade, investment and other fields.

On the sidelines of the talks and in the presence of ministers and officials from the two countries, Maliki and Ensour signed minutes of the higher committee meeting which covered a number of economic issues as well as cementing cooperation in political, trade, investment, energy and mineral resources, financial, transport, agricultural and other fields.


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