Ready for the world to end, Dubai DJ ditches 'most prized possession'

20-12-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - We live a world of material things, especially when it comes to technology.
If the Mayan Calendar is to be believed the world is due to end tomorrow (Fri) in which case there’ll be no need for iPads, mobile phones and flat-screen televisions.

So while believers can start clearing out, non-believers look set to benefit.

Radio 2 DJ Sparky has taken prepping for the official “end of the world” a little further than most.

Having tracked down and interviewed a few of the world’s most convinced, the UK presenter based in Dubai has decided with no need for his 42-inch flat screen television – what he calls his most prized possession – he will give it away on air tonight (Thurs).

“A lot of Radio stations are tipping their hat to the end of days by hosting end of the world parties or playing REM It’s the End of the World As We Know It but it just didn’t seem enough,” said Sparky.

“Chat to a few people who truly believe the end is here and it gets you thinking,” he went on.

The Choice Cuts presenter started his research by speaking to experts from the Halo Corporation, a US-based company which has been running a number of zombie apocalypse drills across the country in preparation for the end. The most recent training drill took place in Bangor Maine and Sparky picked up vital tips on how to fight a zombie including priceless information on the best weapons to arm oneself with. “I’m sure it will provide vital information for my listeners,” he said.

“This is a very real exercise, this is not some type of big costume party,” said Brad Barker, president of Halo Corp, a security firm hosting the training attended by military, law enforcement and medical personnel.

Next up was a casual but intense chat with a jumpy Rob Bast who moved from New Zealand to Melbourne in Australia because, in his humble opinion, it’s “the safest place to be” when the world ends at Midnight.

Equipped with 800 tins of baked beans Bast headed for the hills on the out skirts of Melbourne to set up camp telling Sparky “I’ll be disappointed if Saturday comes because I’ve done so much in preparation for this”.

For all those non-believers out there it should also be noted Bast, who launched website, added a recording of the would also be nice. Go figure.

“My TV will be given to a non believer on the night of the show. Someone who believes it will still be in good working order after tomorrow,” said Sparky. “If the apocalypse happens then I will have picked up some top tips and there won’t be anything to watch on TV, so realistically I will have lost nothing in fact I may well be a winner in all this.”

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