Public administration and administrators can learn a great deal from the body’s natural mechanisms that go into action when it sense danger and uncertainty.
It does not take a leap of understanding that the body politic and the biological body, function almost in the same way. Everyday our bodies keep us alive by regulating our heart-beats, breathing, temperature and fluid levels. The same goes for public administrations, which regulate the countries institutions from monetary and food supply, water levels, and environment. However; the most important way we can learn from our bodies is how they react to extreme situations.
Our bodies for example naturally dislike bitter tastes. The body has learned that bitter tastes tend to connotate foods that maybe harmful or toxic to the body, whilst sweet foods tend to be pleasing to the body and connotate healthier food desirable for energy production through sugar and glucose breakdown.
Public administrators can learn from this by supplying the body politic with policies and programs that will supply it with energy and health. For instance, they can institute a better health program, such as trying to abolish tobacco use amongst the population or at a minimum reduce consumption by higher taxation, moving the extra income from this taxation for tobacco use eradication and health. They can also institute better food and drug administration and enforcement.
Another example would be when the body perceives danger. The body releases hormones and adrenaline that immediately opens the lungs to take in more oxygen, narrowing the blood vessels and increasing the blood flow and pressure. This action allows the body to respond by fighting off the perceived danger or at a minimum escaping from it.
Public administrators can learn from this not by immediate belt tightening when the economy of the body politic is in danger from war, or over-population, or internal economic pressures. Its first response should be to first pump as much monetary funding into the economy, attempting to stabilize its free-fall and after stabilization to deal with the factors contributing to this free-fall. It is never too much, but too little that gets in the way of survival or total collapse.
When the body feels extreme heat it sweats precious water resources to cool itself and when it feels extreme cold it shivers exciting the body movement and shuts down the extremities of the body blood flow sending the majority to maintain the core. Another example of how public administrators can establish some guidelines. When the economy overheats or cools. it can tighten or loosen its central bank policies so as to avoid inflation or deflation, such as increasing or decreasing its lending rates.
It should always know that survival may at times under extraordinary occasions mean that is may lose a toe or a finger or experience some effects of dehydration. So as the entire body has developed mechanisms that go into action when the body sense uncertainty so should public administrators and administrations.
God Bless Jordan and its People
By Abdulillah
Public administration and administrators can learn a great deal from the body’s natural mechanisms that go into action when it sense danger and uncertainty.
It does not take a leap of understanding that the body politic and the biological body, function almost in the same way. Everyday our bodies keep us alive by regulating our heart-beats, breathing, temperature and fluid levels. The same goes for public administrations, which regulate the countries institutions from monetary and food supply, water levels, and environment. However; the most important way we can learn from our bodies is how they react to extreme situations.
Our bodies for example naturally dislike bitter tastes. The body has learned that bitter tastes tend to connotate foods that maybe harmful or toxic to the body, whilst sweet foods tend to be pleasing to the body and connotate healthier food desirable for energy production through sugar and glucose breakdown.
Public administrators can learn from this by supplying the body politic with policies and programs that will supply it with energy and health. For instance, they can institute a better health program, such as trying to abolish tobacco use amongst the population or at a minimum reduce consumption by higher taxation, moving the extra income from this taxation for tobacco use eradication and health. They can also institute better food and drug administration and enforcement.
Another example would be when the body perceives danger. The body releases hormones and adrenaline that immediately opens the lungs to take in more oxygen, narrowing the blood vessels and increasing the blood flow and pressure. This action allows the body to respond by fighting off the perceived danger or at a minimum escaping from it.
Public administrators can learn from this not by immediate belt tightening when the economy of the body politic is in danger from war, or over-population, or internal economic pressures. Its first response should be to first pump as much monetary funding into the economy, attempting to stabilize its free-fall and after stabilization to deal with the factors contributing to this free-fall. It is never too much, but too little that gets in the way of survival or total collapse.
When the body feels extreme heat it sweats precious water resources to cool itself and when it feels extreme cold it shivers exciting the body movement and shuts down the extremities of the body blood flow sending the majority to maintain the core. Another example of how public administrators can establish some guidelines. When the economy overheats or cools. it can tighten or loosen its central bank policies so as to avoid inflation or deflation, such as increasing or decreasing its lending rates.
It should always know that survival may at times under extraordinary occasions mean that is may lose a toe or a finger or experience some effects of dehydration. So as the entire body has developed mechanisms that go into action when the body sense uncertainty so should public administrators and administrations.
God Bless Jordan and its People
By Abdulillah
Public administration and administrators can learn a great deal from the body’s natural mechanisms that go into action when it sense danger and uncertainty.
It does not take a leap of understanding that the body politic and the biological body, function almost in the same way. Everyday our bodies keep us alive by regulating our heart-beats, breathing, temperature and fluid levels. The same goes for public administrations, which regulate the countries institutions from monetary and food supply, water levels, and environment. However; the most important way we can learn from our bodies is how they react to extreme situations.
Our bodies for example naturally dislike bitter tastes. The body has learned that bitter tastes tend to connotate foods that maybe harmful or toxic to the body, whilst sweet foods tend to be pleasing to the body and connotate healthier food desirable for energy production through sugar and glucose breakdown.
Public administrators can learn from this by supplying the body politic with policies and programs that will supply it with energy and health. For instance, they can institute a better health program, such as trying to abolish tobacco use amongst the population or at a minimum reduce consumption by higher taxation, moving the extra income from this taxation for tobacco use eradication and health. They can also institute better food and drug administration and enforcement.
Another example would be when the body perceives danger. The body releases hormones and adrenaline that immediately opens the lungs to take in more oxygen, narrowing the blood vessels and increasing the blood flow and pressure. This action allows the body to respond by fighting off the perceived danger or at a minimum escaping from it.
Public administrators can learn from this not by immediate belt tightening when the economy of the body politic is in danger from war, or over-population, or internal economic pressures. Its first response should be to first pump as much monetary funding into the economy, attempting to stabilize its free-fall and after stabilization to deal with the factors contributing to this free-fall. It is never too much, but too little that gets in the way of survival or total collapse.
When the body feels extreme heat it sweats precious water resources to cool itself and when it feels extreme cold it shivers exciting the body movement and shuts down the extremities of the body blood flow sending the majority to maintain the core. Another example of how public administrators can establish some guidelines. When the economy overheats or cools. it can tighten or loosen its central bank policies so as to avoid inflation or deflation, such as increasing or decreasing its lending rates.
It should always know that survival may at times under extraordinary occasions mean that is may lose a toe or a finger or experience some effects of dehydration. So as the entire body has developed mechanisms that go into action when the body sense uncertainty so should public administrators and administrations.