MoreThanAJob reviews national policies to foster job creation among the marginalized groups
In the framework of 'Reinforcing social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated and refugees' Project, Mutah University, MoreThanAJob project's partner, paid several visits to a number of public authorities in Jordan, euneighbours reported.
The visits aimed to develop innovative solutions through active engagement with public, private, and civil society stakeholders to enable solutions for all marginalized groups at scale.
During the visits, a pragmatic approach has been implemented to identify solutions for youth employment and link stakeholders from all sectors together, learn more consistently from each other and from high-quality evidence, and leverage each other's actions, knowledge, and resources to increase the number of marginalized groups engaged in the labor market, according to euneighbours.
MoreThanAJob project, funded by the European Union within the ENI CBC Med Programme, aims to enforce social inclusion of vulnerable and unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.
In the framework of 'Reinforcing social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated and refugees' Project, Mutah University, MoreThanAJob project's partner, paid several visits to a number of public authorities in Jordan, euneighbours reported.
The visits aimed to develop innovative solutions through active engagement with public, private, and civil society stakeholders to enable solutions for all marginalized groups at scale.
During the visits, a pragmatic approach has been implemented to identify solutions for youth employment and link stakeholders from all sectors together, learn more consistently from each other and from high-quality evidence, and leverage each other's actions, knowledge, and resources to increase the number of marginalized groups engaged in the labor market, according to euneighbours.
MoreThanAJob project, funded by the European Union within the ENI CBC Med Programme, aims to enforce social inclusion of vulnerable and unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.
In the framework of 'Reinforcing social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated and refugees' Project, Mutah University, MoreThanAJob project's partner, paid several visits to a number of public authorities in Jordan, euneighbours reported.
The visits aimed to develop innovative solutions through active engagement with public, private, and civil society stakeholders to enable solutions for all marginalized groups at scale.
During the visits, a pragmatic approach has been implemented to identify solutions for youth employment and link stakeholders from all sectors together, learn more consistently from each other and from high-quality evidence, and leverage each other's actions, knowledge, and resources to increase the number of marginalized groups engaged in the labor market, according to euneighbours.
MoreThanAJob project, funded by the European Union within the ENI CBC Med Programme, aims to enforce social inclusion of vulnerable and unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.
MoreThanAJob reviews national policies to foster job creation among the marginalized groups