Health Minister Firas Hawari, on Wednesday, visited Princess Basma Educational Hospital, Princess Badia Educational Hospital and Princess Rahma Educational Hospital in Irbid governorate to check on first hand on health services provided to citizens, namely, during Eid al-Adha holiday.
Hawari was briefed by the medical cadres in the three hospitals about the health services and the challenges facing this key sector.
He listened to a number of patients' comments and feedback about the health services, checking on the hospitals' plans during the current holiday.
Health Minister Firas Hawari, on Wednesday, visited Princess Basma Educational Hospital, Princess Badia Educational Hospital and Princess Rahma Educational Hospital in Irbid governorate to check on first hand on health services provided to citizens, namely, during Eid al-Adha holiday.
Hawari was briefed by the medical cadres in the three hospitals about the health services and the challenges facing this key sector.
He listened to a number of patients' comments and feedback about the health services, checking on the hospitals' plans during the current holiday.
Health Minister Firas Hawari, on Wednesday, visited Princess Basma Educational Hospital, Princess Badia Educational Hospital and Princess Rahma Educational Hospital in Irbid governorate to check on first hand on health services provided to citizens, namely, during Eid al-Adha holiday.
Hawari was briefed by the medical cadres in the three hospitals about the health services and the challenges facing this key sector.
He listened to a number of patients' comments and feedback about the health services, checking on the hospitals' plans during the current holiday.