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PM meets with news websites publishers

AMMONNEWS - Prime Minister Omar Razzaz on Wednesday met with a number of chief editors and publishers of news websites for a wide-ranging discussion on local issues and specifically on an economic and social priorities plan the government announced two days ago.

The prime minister said the plan which targets three themes: Protecting the poor; strengthening the middle class; and unleashing innovative and entrepreneurial potential. He added that the plan will be time-framed and output-measurable.

Speaking on the possibility of issuing a general pardon, Razzaz said that 36 percent of those released under a 2011 pardon returned to prison for various crimes, adding that a committee is currently looking into the issue which needs in-depth examination.

Commenting on a draft cybercrime law the government has forwarded to the parliament, the prime minister said the definition of 'hate speech' in the current law is 'loose', and accordingly the government seeks to have the article about the definition changed.

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