AMMONNEWS - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) spokesperson, Jihad Momani, Tuesday said that Rajim Ashami in Muwaqqar and Al-Balqa voting stations were attacked early this morning and the internet access was cut off .
Security and technical teams rushed to the polling centers and work is under way to repair the damage and bring back the internet connection, he added .
AMMONNEWS - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) spokesperson, Jihad Momani, Tuesday said that Rajim Ashami in Muwaqqar and Al-Balqa voting stations were attacked early this morning and the internet access was cut off .
Security and technical teams rushed to the polling centers and work is under way to repair the damage and bring back the internet connection, he added .
AMMONNEWS - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) spokesperson, Jihad Momani, Tuesday said that Rajim Ashami in Muwaqqar and Al-Balqa voting stations were attacked early this morning and the internet access was cut off .
Security and technical teams rushed to the polling centers and work is under way to repair the damage and bring back the internet connection, he added .