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Power outage cuts water off Amman districts

AMMONNEWS - An electric power outage on Sunday suspended power generation at the Zara Ma'in water treatment plant, which feeds nearly 30 percent of water supply to the capital Amman.

A source at the Ministry of Water and Irrigation said that the plant suspension will cause water distribution in several Amman neighborhoods to be disrupted on Sunday and Monday.

The power generation supplying the plant suffered a technical malfunction, causing water pumping to several districts in Amman to be halted for over 10 hours on Sunday.

About 12 neighborhoods in eastern and southern Amman will be affected by the water supply suspension, including eastern Marj al Hamam, Iskan Aliyah, western and eastern Juweideh, Al Alkumiyyah, Electricity Housing (Iskan al-Kahrubaa), Rjeib, Iskan al-Maliyyah, Bayyer, Um Za'roura, Um al Hiran, Iskan al-Dakhiliyyah, and Jabal al-Hadid.

A partial water suspension will affect Hay Nazzal and Jabal al-Akhdar, the Water Ministry source said.

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