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Man charged with manslaughter after stabbing sister

by Rana Husseini | JT

AMMAN — Criminal Court Prosecutor Fawaz Ghrier on Sunday charged a 36-year-old man with manslaughter in connection with the death of his sister in one of the governorates earlier in the day, official sources said.

The suspect, who was not identified by police, turned himself in to police two hours after the crime was committed and handed the officer on duty a knife which he said he had used to kill his 34-year-old sister, a senior official source said.

In his initial testimony to police and to Ghrier, the suspect claimed that he had “murdered his sister following a heated argument in which the victim cursed him, her mother and religion”.

The suspect, who was released from prison on Thursday after serving time for attempted murder, told investigators that his sister had gotten divorced for the third time two weeks before the incident and returned to her family’s home, the source said.

On Sunday, the source added, a man visited the victim’s family and asked for her hand in marriage, and the family informed him that they would get back to him in three days, according to the source.

The following day, the source added, the victim argued with her mother about her family’s decision to answer the marriage seeker after three days.

“The victim became enraged and cursed her mother then the suspect, who tried to calm her down,” the source added,

The victim would not calm down, “so the suspect took a knife and stabbed her four times in the chest and stomach”, said the source.

The victim is survived by two daughters from two of her three marriages, according to the source.

Ghrier ordered the suspect detained for 15 days pending further investigation into the case.

The prosecutor will also question the suspect’s mother and siblings on Tuesday to learn more about the incident.

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