Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan’s state grain buyer, floated a tenders to purchase 100 or 120 thousand tonnes of wheat.
In its announcement on Wednesday, the ministry called on potential traders to obtain a copy of the tender documents for a non-refundable JD650.
The ministry added that the deadline for submitting the tender documents is 3,30 :pm next Tuesday.
To participate in the process, potential buyers must bring copies of a valid professional license, a commercial register certified no more than 30 days prior to the date of opening tenders, and a valid registration in a Jordanian chamber of commerce. Petra
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan’s state grain buyer, floated a tenders to purchase 100 or 120 thousand tonnes of wheat.
In its announcement on Wednesday, the ministry called on potential traders to obtain a copy of the tender documents for a non-refundable JD650.
The ministry added that the deadline for submitting the tender documents is 3,30 :pm next Tuesday.
To participate in the process, potential buyers must bring copies of a valid professional license, a commercial register certified no more than 30 days prior to the date of opening tenders, and a valid registration in a Jordanian chamber of commerce. Petra
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan’s state grain buyer, floated a tenders to purchase 100 or 120 thousand tonnes of wheat.
In its announcement on Wednesday, the ministry called on potential traders to obtain a copy of the tender documents for a non-refundable JD650.
The ministry added that the deadline for submitting the tender documents is 3,30 :pm next Tuesday.
To participate in the process, potential buyers must bring copies of a valid professional license, a commercial register certified no more than 30 days prior to the date of opening tenders, and a valid registration in a Jordanian chamber of commerce. Petra
Major tender issued to purchase wheat
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Major tender issued to purchase wheat
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan’s state grain buyer, floated a tenders to purchase 100 or 120 thousand tonnes of wheat.
In its announcement on Wednesday, the ministry called on potential traders to obtain a copy of the tender documents for a non-refundable JD650.
The ministry added that the deadline for submitting the tender documents is 3,30 :pm next Tuesday.
To participate in the process, potential buyers must bring copies of a valid professional license, a commercial register certified no more than 30 days prior to the date of opening tenders, and a valid registration in a Jordanian chamber of commerce. Petra