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Parliamentary Committee cancels legal amendment allowing termination of contracts of 15% of employees

The Lower House's Labour Committee approved on Monday, a draft law amending the 2025 Labor Law.

Among the most prominent amendments approved by the committee to the draft law, according to the draft obtained by Ammon, is the refusal to amend Article 31 of the original law.

Thus, the committee cancelled the government’s proposal that would have given the employer the power to terminate the employment contracts of more than 15% of his employees or to terminate the contracts of all his employees, provided that a request to do so is submitted to the committee formed if his economic circumstances required it.

According to the draft, the government has cancelled Article 31 of the original law, which obliges the employer to notify the Minister in writing if the employer’s economic need requires reducing the volume of work or replacing the production system, which results in the termination of open-ended employment contracts.

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