Prof. Dr. Haytham Eloqayli
Your Excellency President Trump
I address you as a Jordanian citizen who considers himself a bearer of the legacy of civilizations and cultures that have flourished on Jordanian soil since the cultivation of the first loaf of bread in northeastern Jordan and the creation of the Ain Ghazal statues as the first artistic and religious expression ten thousand years ago. This region, now called the Middle East, has been in a state of war and conflict for five thousand years, and it is time for its people to enjoy stability, security, coexistence, and the opportunity to think about a safe future for their children. Your Excellency, as the leader of the most powerful global force today, you have the opportunity to be immortalized in history by bringing peace to this troubled part of the world.
The lesson learned by the cultural elites in this region is that there can be no peace or stability without recognizing the peoples who live on this land. The conflict here has historical, cultural, and religious dimensions, and therefore it cannot be resolved solely through the logic of material and hard power.
The root of the conflict in historical Palestine is the existence of two peoples with distinct cultural identities, neither of which can erase the other. Even if a dominant force were to eliminate one of these peoples, the conflict would take on a more dangerous dimension for future generations, fostering a culture of confrontation rather than coexistence and acceptance of the other. Therefore, the historic opportunity lies in recognizing two identities on the land of historical Palestine and establishing two states that cooperate on development and prosperity, working together for stability, security, hope, dialogue, and acceptance of the other.
The peoples of the region view the United States as capable of establishing peace and as having a moral responsibility, not only as a superpower but also as a guarantor of the current international order and a proponent of a cultural model based on the highest values of freedom and equality. The erasure of the rights of a people on their land undermines this model and stains the face of humanity, which has struggled to rid itself of slavery, discrimination, and racism.
Your Excellency President Trump, today you stand before an opportunity to make history by resolving the oldest conflict of the 20th century, but with solutions that respect the rights of both peoples and do not overpower the weaker side. If you do so, you will find the peoples and leaders of the region a driving force alongside you.
Jordan, both its leadership and its people, has presented a model over the past decades of how everyone can coexist on its land without ethnic, religious, or regional divisions, while preserving their cultural identities. In Jordan, we await your support and reinforcement of this model to serve as an example for the region in promoting dialogue, coexistence, acceptance of the other, building hope, and rejecting violence and extremism.